Kitchen Tech

If you are looking for a high-quality coffee machine that can make a variety of drinks with just a touch of a button, you might want to check out the Melitta Fully Automatic Coffee Machine, CI LATTE SELECT SILVER F 630 – 201 and the Melitta Barista TS Smart F85/0-101, Bean to Cup Coffee Machine. Both machines have their own unique features and advantages.

The Melitta Latte Select is a simple-to-use coffee machine that offers excellent results. It has a dual hopper that lets you select between two different coffee beans manually. It also has programmable recipes and profiles for when you want to fine-tune the experience. 

On the other hand, the Melitta Barista TS Smart is a more advanced coffee machine that comes with an automatic coffee selector and is easier to program thanks to its smart app. It can commonly be found for a similar price as the Melitta Latte Select. It also has a whisper grinder that makes it quieter than other coffee machines.

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